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Main Office Information

Main Office Contact Information

Phone: 315-638-6130
Fax: 315-638-5049
Health Office: 315-638-6132

Arrival and Dismissal

Early Drop-Off: 8:00 a.m. - 8:25a.m. If you would like to participate in early drop-off during the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the Early Drop-off Request Form.

Student Arrival: 8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. (After 8:45 a.m. a student must be signed in by their parent as they are considered late).

Student Dismissal: 3:25 p.m. for parent pick-ups, bus students and walkers.

Sign in and out procedures for students

  • Students arriving late for school, or leaving school early, need to be signed in or out.
  • Students being picked up at the close of school will be dismissed from the cafeteria. In the interests of student safety, children will not be permitted to wait for rides outside of the building, or to walk unescorted to cars in the parking lot.

Picking up children before the end of the school day

Families of students being picked up from school for early dismissal should complete the McNamara Attendance and Dismissal Change form. When you arrive, the student will be called to the office. This form is available until 2:00 p.m. for same day requests. Please call the main office if you need to make a change after 2:00 p.m.

Student Walkers

  • Families living in the neighborhood adjacent to the school sometimes ask that students be allowed to walk or ride bikes home. A signed parent note is required and kept on file. Walkers will be dismissed at 3:25 and escorted by an adult to the walking path.
  • If your student walks in the morning, please keep in mind if they arrive before 8:35 there will be no supervision on the playground or outside of school.

Visitor Policy

To maintain the safety of all students at McNamara, we ask all visitors to enter through the front doors and adhere to the following security procedures.

At the front doors, please ring the security bell and identify yourself and the purpose of your visit. When you are buzzed in you will proceed through the Evolv threat detection system if you will be entering the building for a previously scheduled appointment or event. If you are picking up a student early you will wait in the lobby for the student to be called down. If you are dropping off something for a student, please leave it with the main office staff who will deliver it to your child. If you wish to visit any part of the building for an event, you must obtain a Visitor’s Badge by presenting a driver's license which will be scanned to produce the visitor badge. For the safety and security of all students, parents and visitors are not permitted to walk the halls, go to any classroom, cafeteria or playground without a visitor pass. This includes arrival and dismissal times.

All visitors must present their ID when entering the building, even if you have had your ID previously scanned.


Schooltool contains academic information such as teacher assignments, report cards, assessments and school attendance. We urge you to take a moment to log into schooltool and look around. If your contact information needs to be updated, please call the Main Office at 315-638-6130. Current contact information will ensure that you continue to receive important communications from school. If you are unable to log-into the parent portal for any reason, please call the main office for assistance. Passwords can be changed upon request.

Report cards are available through Schooltool on November 15, 2024, January 31, 2025, April 11, 2025 and June 27, 2025.

Click here for Schooltool login


If your child needs to be transported to/from a daycare or a sitter for the 2024-2025 school year, you must submit a request form to the Transportation Department before August 21, 2024 to ensure that your child has transportation at the beginning of the school year. You must submit a request form for day care/sitter transportation every year, even if your daycare/sitter has not changed from the previous year. No changes will be made to bus routes during the two weeks preceding the 1st day of school.

Click here for Daycare/Sitter form

Click here for Authorization to Release Students form